Download NexU
NexU relies on our XSS-Sig Module to support interoperability of electronic signature in Europe. See our solutions at
- WITHOUT APPLET : the solution communicates with the smartcard through Javascript.
- OPEN-SOURCE : anyone can use NexU and contribute to it. To access the open-source version, please follow this link: NexU GitHub project
- POWERED BY DSS : based on SD-DSS, the EU reference implementation for electronic signature.
Pro version
NexU is also available in "pro" version. This version has many advantages over community version, among them, there is :
- Support business hours (lvl 2, 24/7 option)
- Installers for various target platforms of final customers (Windows 32 & 64 bits, Mac OS X installer (PKG))
- Plugins to provide additional features (get identity information from smart card for e.g.) or improve user experience (automatically pick up certificate depending on business goal).
- Installation in user profile (without requirement for administrative rights)
- Multi-user support
- Fully customizable (UX, branding)
- Additional security : protection of the requests so that only your web server can interact with your branded version of NexU.
- i18n : Multiple languages (currently EN, FR & NL)
To download our test of the commercial version of NexU, please follow the links below:
Windows 32bits:
Windows 64bits:
We hope you will appreciate the product.
Supported eID & smartcards
List of tested smartcard (test performed via our customers or the STORK pilot).
- [Austria] ACOS 02, ACOS 01, A-Sign Premium (EPA), A-Sign Premium (MCA), e-card, e-Card G2, e-Card G2 Ref
- [Belgium] e-Id, e-Id (BELPIC 2), e-Id (BELPIC 3), e-Id (BELPIC 4)
- [Estonia] Dni, eId Card (1), eId Card (2), eId Card (3), eId Card (4), eId Card (4)
- [Finland] E-ID Card, Post card
- [France] eID (not available to general public yet)
- [Germany] Deutscher Sparkassenverlag; Signtrust Card Deutsche Post
- [Greece] card (DUAT), Ermis, Starkey 400 USB Token
- [Iceland] Maestro Card, VISA Electron Card, Card (1)
- [Italia] Carta Regionale dei Servizi Regione Lombardia, Carta Regionale dei Servizi Regione Lombardia (2), SISS, Banca d'italia / Aruba PEC, InfoCert, Misterio della difesa
- [Latvia] National identity card
- [Lithuania] E-ID Card
- [Luxembourg] eID, LuxTrust, LuxTrust (new version), Luxtrust (MAC)
- [Malta] Gemalto
- [Netherlands] ESG, QuoVadis Orde van Advocaten
- [Portugal] eId Card, Minsterio da Justica
- [Romania] Alladin e-token (Digisign)
- [Spain] DNI electronico (Spanish electronic ID card), FNMT, Izenpe card
- [Sweden] E-ID Card
- [Switzerland] Card (QuoVadis), Card (SwissSign)